Triangle Studio Stavanger

Our Instructors

Chip Jenkins - Singing/Sangtimer

Since 1999, I started teaching at the Academy of Contemporary Music in the UK (One of Europe's leading Contemporary Specialist Musica Schools. In the UK I was teaching at degree level and higher diploma 16+

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Chip Jenkins - Dance Zing

Dance Zing is designed to give you energy and ZING! 
Easy to follow dance routines that you will not get anywhere else, this is not only a dance class. It is friendly, accepting, and makes you smile. Especially for ladies of 30+ you do not have to be super fit, or have any pressure to show off.

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Karianne Sunde Herheim - Medi Yoga

Karianne er grunnleggeren av Vlinderhagen Hun er utdannet sykepleier og yogaterapeut. Hennes ekspertise er innen stressmestring. Selv levde hun med PDST i flere år og erfaringen er at vi kan få hjelp til å bearbeide smertefulle minner gjennom dyp tilstedeværelse og aksept.  

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Shenix from the Flames - Chip Jenkins

Chip Jenkins: Entrepreneur, educator, performer. She's the founder of Shenix from the Flames, helping ladies make courageous choices to run their online business. 

Guiding them step by step in what it takes to actually gain customers, she knows that a Shenix with a Plan is UNSTOPPABLE! 

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Rebekka Sleveland - Dance

Rebekka will be coming back to us soon and we wish her continued improvements because we miss her very much!  
